Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kasan Ghat

By the river Kasan, the ghat is located. "Ghat" meaning the place where funeral is conducted. It is located in the north of Bhaktapur city at about 2.5 km distance. Kasan Ghat is on the left of the road that leads to the villages namely Jhaukhel and Duwakot.

Kasan Ghat is decorated by numerous artworks. The woodcarvings at the buildings, the monuments and idols of different god and goddess are very ancient and master pieces. Nearby is a stone tap that supplies pretty good portion of drinking water for the locals.

At the bank of Kashan khola, various rituals are performed. The water from the river is the major source for irrigation. Farmers at the bank of the river grows various food and cash crops depending on the season.

At present, due to lack of proper care the monuments and sculpture are deteriorating. They need renovation on time else the very ancient property will vanish in the near future.

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