Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Potters in Bhaktapur

Potters are one of the major occupants in Bhaktapur. The potters square is popular for the clay made utensils, monuments, gifts items and many attractive handicrafts. However there are many potters who makes clay goods and utensils around the town. These occupants make clay goods during their free time when there are no much works in their farm. Now a days, potters are modifying their profession and being tourism focused. Since bhaktapur is one of the ancient and historic city and is enlisted in UNESCO World Heritage site, numerous of tourists visits this city every year. And so this city carry a higher economic scope in the pottery profession.
The popularity of clay goods and utensils is still there in the local residents. Besides the household, people use these for gardening, decorating items, constructions and many more.

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