Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chyasing Mandap (Bkt, Durbar Sq.)

Chyasing Mandap, a monument which is a challenge for the modern architecture. Located at the bhaktapur Durbar Square, Chyasing Mandap attracts every visiters' eyes. Rich in the wood crafts and different cultural designs craved in it, Chyasing mandap is three stored pagoda styled rest house in the durbar area.
The lower floor is open and public can stay there whereas the second and third floor is in use just for the guthi (local newari cultural group). There is lobby in the second floor where one can sit by the window in the locally weaved straw mats and enjoy the view of durbar area and people traveling there. In my childhood, it was open even for the public. I enjoyed the stay there as a child and had fun. All these memories are everlasting. Whenever you travel to Bhaktapur, reside here in the ground floor of chyasing mandap, you will love it.

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